Player Affiliation
Hockey Alberta Affliation Process
7. Affiliation The Alberta Development Model determines Affiliation regulations for players involved in participation of Teams within the Elite Hockey stream (see Appendix III and IV). The AA Hockey Model determines Affiliation Regulations for Teams involved in participation within the AA Hockey stream (see Appendix II).
7.2 Affiliation will only be recognized where:
(a) Players are added to Teams in the Registry and identified as Affiliates;
(b) the CEO, or designate, acknowledge receipt of and identify said players as approved prior to an affiliate Player participating in any game with the Hockey Team to which he/she is affiliated;
(c) the affiliation has been endorsed by the President of the applicable LMHA. Note: All affiliations shall terminate at the end of the current playing season.
7.3 Any Player participating in any game as an affiliated Player without the approval of the CEO, or designate, shall be considered an Ineligible Player and team officials subject to discipline in accordance with Minor Regulation 12. 7.4 A Hockey Team may have affiliated with it:
(a) up to nineteen (19) Specially Affiliated Players from a lower Division or Category within their LMHA.
7.5 Affiliations will not be deemed to have taken place automatically without properly filing said affiliation through the Registry. Note: A Player must obtain a Named Player Affiliation Agreement form when selected as a specially affiliated player to a team within the AA Hockey Model or Elite Hockey Stream
7.6 (a) Affiliated players may participate in League, Exhibition, Tournament and Provincials;
(b) Players registered on teams within the Division of Initiation are not eligible to participate as an Affiliate Player in Provincial games.
(c) Players participating on teams that involve two (2) or more LMHAs based on a need to create one (1) Team in a Division for the area (lack of Players) are permitted to affiliate with a team of a higher Division from their own Resident LMHA. Players are only eligible to affiliate to one (1) Team. This request must be made in writing from the LMHAs involved in the request to the Hockey Alberta Minor Administration Coordinator for approval or non-approval. Upon approval from Hockey Alberta, the requesting LMHAs would be given the allowance. Example: Centre A has seven (7) Bantam Players, Centre B has six (6) Bantam Players so Centre A and B combine to field a Team of thirteen (13) Players that are registered out of Centre A. If there is a Midget team in Centre B, the six (6) Bantam Players from Centre B now registered in Centre A will be able to affiliate with the Midget Team from Centre B. This affiliation will be on a named player basis and Players are only eligible to affiliate to one team.
7.7 Female players playing on Minor Male hockey teams may be permitted to affiliate to Female Teams, upon consideration of application to the Minor Administration Coordinator, in consultation with the Minor Female Regulation Coordinator.
7.8 Providing affiliation has been properly filed, an affiliated Player may play with the Hockey Team to which the Player is affiliated up to a maximum of ten (10) games, excluding exhibition and tournament games. Should an affiliated Hockey Player play more than ten (10) games with the Hockey Team to which the player is affiliated, he shall be considered an Ineligible Player. However, if the player’s registered team completes its regular season and playoffs before the player’s affiliated team, the player may thereafter affiliate an unlimited number of times.
7.9 Appearance of a registered Player's name on the official game report shall be considered participation in the game except in the case of an alternate goalkeeper, in which case actual participation only shall be considered as taking part in the game and such participation shall be specially noted on the official game report.
7.10 Novice Affiliation Novice to Novice and Initiation to Novice Affiliation Only The principle of affiliation to the Novice Division is to provide for replacement players when regular team players are sick, injured or otherwise unavailable. The following rules will apply:
(a) Affiliated players will only be allowed in situations where registered team players are unavailable to the team because of: (i) sickness; (ii) injuries; (iii) inadequate number of registered team players to play a game.
(b) When a Team has less than twelve (12) registered players Affiliated Players may be used to increase the number of players on a game sheet to a maximum of twelve (12) players (i.e. - when Affiliated Players are used in a game the maximum number of players allowed to be placed on a game sheet is twelve (12)). This maximum number of twelve (12) includes the total of both registered team players and Affiliated Players.
(c) Prior to playing any Affiliated Players the use of such Players must be endorsed by the President (or his/her designate) of the LMHA. This shall be done by registering an Affiliated Player in the Registry and in compliance with Minor Regulation 7.9(g), below.
(d) Affiliations must be from a lower tier or age group within the LMHA, except: (i) in LMHAs where ALL Novice Hockey Teams are equal (balanced), the teams MAY affiliate players from another equal novice team(s);
(e) Novice Affiliations must be added to the Teams in the Registry by the LMHA and identified as approved by the CEO, or designate, prior to the affiliated player being allowed to participate in any game with the hockey team to which he is affiliated. Affiliations will be accepted and approved by the CEO, or designate, up to and including December 15 of the current Hockey Season.
(f) A Player Affiliated to, or within, the Division of Novice may not play more than five (5) games with the affiliated team in the current Hockey Season, excluding exhibition and tournament games. After five (5) games, such player will be an ineligible player and HA rules respecting playing an ineligible player will be enforced.
(g) All Affiliation rules set out by Hockey Alberta must be followed for using affiliated players, subject to the exceptions listed above.
NOTE: There will be no affiliation allowed WITHIN the Division of Initiation.
8. Provincial Categorization HA Regulations pertaining to Provincial Categorization can be found in Appendix V.
8.1 No LMHA may declare a Player ineligible for Provincial Play in order to avoid taking that Players resident LMHAs median Provincial Categorization number, pursuant to Minor Regulation 5.1(g), to the Team he is registered on; therefore not moving them up a category for Provincial Play. January 10 is the deadline to release Players.
8.2 In any Local Minor Hockey Association having two or more teams registered in the same Category and Division, all such teams will be eligible for Provincials as representatives of said Category and Division in one Zone only. The LMHA shall be prohibited from entering one or more of such teams in one Zone and the remaining team or teams in a different Zone for the purpose of Provincial Play
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